Pre-surgicaltestsare a seriesof studies thatthe patientmust perform beforeany aesthetic surgery; these tests allow the doctor toevaluate the physical condition of thepatient.
Continuingthe previous article, this time we will describethe benefits ofphysical activity.
Physical activityincludesallbodily movement, exertedby the muscles, which requiresenergy expenditure.Our bodywas designed to moveand requires,therefore,that we perform regular exerciseto stayfunctional andkeep us from getting sick.
To define theconceptofhealth iscomplicated due tothemanyvariablesthatmust be takenintoaccount: perceptionandpersonalexperience, socioeconomic status,religion, lifestyleand cultureamongothers.WHO(WorldHealthOrganization) proposes to thinkof healthas"a stateof complete physical, mentalandsocial wellbeing and notmerely the absenceofdisease"